Monday, April 10, 2006

Bongo Dogs

Local band the Bongo Dogs had a wonderful CD release party last Saturday at the Wanna. I had to run off early after the first set but I never tire of them - their "improv" style makes every song and every show different.

The local newspaper ran a nice article and the question about what kind of music was asked. The band calls it "caliche" because the trombone player, Cathi, drove past a gravel pit one day. Don't bother using Google because caliche is white limestone; I think the idea is a combination of latin, jazz, rock, and blues with most songs having a latin accent. The steel drum caps it all off for a definite Caribe feel.

Dave the guy who helps manage the band sent me some freebie songs but this blog seems tough to add them ... we're working out some teckie stuff and because I like the Bongo Dogs, you'll be sure to see some more updates right here.

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