Malia got a little excited in the seaweed today, as you can tell in the picture. Why do some dogs do that? It was hard to catch her really grinding the stuff into her back because she was flopping around so fast. Holding onto a beer, a camera, and the dog was quite a challenge - but us locals are pretty coordinated sometimes. "You crazy puppy" I said, and she did it some more.
We have the routine down, a sniff in the dunes, a roll in the seaweed, and off to the water and a walk of a mile or two. We came back and hosed off as much as the dog or I could take. Aside from some seaweed and some disturbance from the tractors closing off some accesses because of IKE, it was a very fine excursion today.
By the way, thanks to our veterinarian friends from Dallas who suggested lots of beach walks for Malia, which cured her foot-pad problems.
Maggie loves that shit!
In fact, if there is a dead crustacean or fish in there; even better.
That is too funny ... we TRY to avoid the dead fish and sometimes I'm not quick enough!
Changing subjects ... is the surf going to be totally blown or nice this weekend?
Photo brings to mind the Montauk Monster of Long Island...Glad the old pup is doing ok. Huffmans
Being as there was no one out on what was left of the beach, Peach got to run loose this morning and seemed energized by the big water rushing in and around the dune breaks. Yippee!
Hey Sam, are you guys going to have to bailout again 'cause of Ike? Hope it stays to the north. Where will all those refugees from New Orleans and Katrina go this time?
Funny you should mention it Everett, some folks are actually coming down here to get away from Ike. Not to sure what those folks in southeast Texas and Loosey Anna are doing!
Nevermind Miss Sippy and Al Bama.
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