A good time was had by all at the Tiki 'Lighting of the Torch' shebang at Palm Street. Thanks to the kayakers, conga drummers, Malcom the old Tiki King, singers (yes, those Sirens rock!), and of course all the folks, who seemed to number about 60-80 at times. Oh, and we even had a pro Polynesian dancer named Caroline, I think was her name. Here's a picture of two of the Sirens warming up before the show - Nancy and my Tiki Lori.
Did I mention that fireworks went off at 9:15, as if orchestrated just for us?
This year's Queen of the Sargassum is JoAnn Evans. Next year Nancy wants to do a 'Turtle Ball' but by most accounts, folks wanted to continue April Arbor Day and May Tiki Day festivals we inspired. As yes, light the Tiki torches maybe Friday and a formal ball on Saturday ... hopefully it will be OK to tango!
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