Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Welcome Home SOBs

You know, I get tired of talking about things like global warming, pollution, bad county park developments, immigration, local politics and politics of all kinds, and crazy stuff I can’t change. Sometimes I just want to say “Hey, welcome back to the Island, you SOB.”

That’s son-of-the-beach for those of you not in the know. It includes girls too! On a small Island with maybe a few thousand at most, it is a big deal. If you ever flew over South Padre Island, the Abacos, or places like Block Island, you simply can’t believe that folks can live on such a small sand-spit of land.

Now some of these here islands have real rocks and hills on them, but not here – it is all shifting sands. I am convinced that if a hurricane can’t take us out, the local politics will. But we come back and return … and we think about playing music and drums and getting together. Folks have been so busy, which is good, but we like our SOBs to come home to roost every now and then …

Welcome home you SOB!

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