As I sit here, pondering still upon the vagaries of mankind and local politics, I am reminded of two things. First, how lucky we are. That’s a borrowed Flickr ™ picture of Amazing Walter with the caption “I’m the Lucky Man.” I have to feel good inside just seeing that beautiful water and a true smile. It is true, for all the stories, threats of immanent destruction, and disaster, we are truly blessed – very lucky indeed.
The other thing I was contemplating was a huge pile of cardboard boxes containing my new desktop computer. This old dog-of-a-Dell has made it almost five years, an incredibly long time with life in the fast lane. If you knew how much money I made off this old clunker – all honest and no hacking - you’d probably want to steal it. Gosh, I can’t even think to remember all the passwords and accounts I have all over the world. But alas, it has taken to turning itself off and going to sleep whenever it wants, just like an old dog.
Thank goodness it doesn’t need to go outside to pooh.
But maybe with a new email address I can just start over again like a
As you may have caught in some recent postings, I’ve pretty much downplayed the political stuff, mainly on account I’m going into my second childhood and children don’t need no stinking politics. I want to learn, grow, and ask innocent questions. I want to see people smile and look deep into blue-green water. I consider myself to be a very lucky man, too.
Let it be Sammy, that's what you are trying to do, and should, but somehow I doubt it in the long run...You are too good a person to get caught up in all that cr*p..
Congrats on your new computer Sammy...I just bought a new one two weeks ago. Life has never been better, it is an HP Core 2 Quad with 3 Gigs of memory and a 640 GB hard drive. Sure beats the five yr old P4!
You're right, you ARE one lucky S.O.B.! Forget the political bruhaha! I only hear talk with no action. When people are ready to act...maybe then.
Regards, MLeahy
Sam, I tried to e-mail you and had it returned....
Hmm, try again MLeahy or call, I'm here. /s/
Way to go Sam! I wish I could just 'let go' of all the political bull, but then I have visions of what lies ahead for my little chillin's and i get all cranked up again.
I guess a little Lemonchello,Grappa, and OJ would lighten that load a little!! Go body surfin' and take a ride for me. Water is still to damn cold up here for me to get in past the ankles!!
Oh, I'm into it but I just wanted to stop the flames. You know the old joke, "Ya know what really burns my butt? A fire about THIS tall."
Goed fishing ...
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