Friday, August 19, 2005

Pinkie the Plumeria

One of my favorite islander blogs, other than here on our sand-spit, is up in Rhode Island. She posted “Friday is love letter day” because everything was getting too heavy. You know, the dog days of August tend to make one grumpy. So I’m going to leave y’all with Pinkie the Plumeria.

Most plumerias flower for maybe a week or two, but Pinkie here has been at it since mid-May … and getting better each day. I wish I could bottle the smell and send it to y’all. Imagine that, a blog with a delicate frangipangi fragrance! Enjoy.


Everett said...

Well I tried to remove the two spam comments by using that trashcan icon. Didn't work! Those sneaky bastards have apparently found a way to ruin this forum as well as the general internet. I hope Google gets on this and can stop it cause it is a pain in the ass to have to slog through all that junk just to make sure you didn't miss some "good" stuff. When I used the trashcan icon, it said the comment was removed but it wasn't, and now the icon itself has dissappeared so you don't get another chance to delete it ! Give "Pinkie" a good sniff for me. BTW, thats the name I use for one of my granddaughters cause she is a PINK nut!TIFN

blockislandblog said...

Very strange...I posted a comment here yesterday and now it is not here??? Have I been deleted by the sytem administrator as spam???

Sam said...

Hey, BIB, never saw anything here, but no telling what those electrons are doing ... I would never delete one of YOUR messages. You and Everette and the Missives girl Warbler seem special. Try again?

You don't know how much I miss Block Island. Sure, you can hear the surf when it is quiet ... but there's no fog horns or the green light on SE Point or the funny light at the airport. As I told Everett, I'll be back. I have to claim the lychee tree he's been growing for me - hey is this an old-timer's joke? What's a lychee tree? Ahhhh....

Anonymous said...

beautiful flowers!
Eden (in Camden with the 'rents)