Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let's All Freak Out!

After a rough recession, with the state of the current economy and deficit, things were getting depressing. But for the most part, people kept their heads together. Now with an uncontrollable oil gusher off Louisiana and possible hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, it appears that many have completely lost their minds.

Attempts to interject some sanity or realism to the situation does not help, a fact which frustrates me to no end. The entire ocean is dead, all of it, and a hurricane is going to blow us to Kingdom Come. OK, I can handle that, but why freak out?

Many years ago, Frank Zappa said the same things about people getting so upset, what with the hippie revolution, Vietnam, and weirdos who thought is was Armageddon. Gosh we made it through that easy enough, didn't we? If Frank Zappa was alive today he'd be horrified.


Everett said...

Hey Sam, Is tis storm going to push the oil over your way? I haven't been watching the tube to much lately

Sam said...

Maybe some, but the storm could disperse it as well. Nobody really knows! Lots of "experts" in the media, though ...

Bryan said...

One of my very favorite albums. Trouble comin' every day. Hope you're weathering the weather down there.

Everett said...

Hey man, are you still a viable entity down there in the surf and crap? Saw a lot of you local guys on the tube the last 2 or 3 days. Kept looking for you but no luck! You mean your not a camera hound?

Hope all is well with you guys!

Sam said...

Ev - all is clear and business is back to normal on our sandbar resort. Well except tourism is way off because of the damn Weather Channel, which made it seem like we'd been blown clean off the map.

Jim Cantore was on the island, probably a nice fellow but I did not get the opportunity to moon his ass or shoot him the finger while the camera was on. Same for Stephanie Adams of The Weather Channel, who blamed all the jetsam and flotsam from the hurricane on us locals. Finally, when the Mayor and some ocean experts told Jim and Stephanie the trash was from way out in the ocean, they left. The bahsids!

I sure with I got paid 6 to 7 figures to lie to people like that.

Sam said...

testing 1-2-3

Everett said...

IW WORKS 4, 5, 6.!

Sam said...

Had the hard drive blow up - amazing this still works! Howya doing, Ev?