This is a very famous aerial photo of SPI during Hurricane Georges waves of 1998, done by Richard Stockton. Yes it is copyrighted but Gene Gore has is on his website, easy to download from there too. I use it for my deck-top graphic and not the screen saver: it's too good.
What I like is how you can see the current flow past Barracuda Bay and the rows of waves that indicate the sandbars on the beach. On a jet plane you can see those rows of waves from about 25,000 feet - well, maybe on a good day but you know what I mean.
Jerry Wilson also has some good stuff although I haven't seen his stills yet, but is the new "Stockton" of our island although I heard that Richard is still alive and kicking. You can double click the picture and it should get quite larger. I can barely make out my neighborhood - small island, isn't it?
Great shot! I have been lucky enough to see Jerry and Jackie's beautiful photos. They are my favorite people down here and have shown me so much. The knowledge in the tip of one pinky of theirs is more than I have in mah whole head.
If you've met Jerry and Jackie they have a beautiful daughter who also is a most excellent camera jockey. We were introduced at Louie's during the Music Fest, since that made a great long-shot with a zoom lens.
Island Princess I hope you get a nice camera for Christmas because I know you like to shoot good pics too! I always get frustrated on the birds, especially in the spring migration.
Many went to Cannon instead of Nikon, if that helps, and you want an SLR (single reflex) camera as well. I can't figure the most popular kinds because there are so many. But you'll be very happy with one. -sam
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