Friday, March 23, 2007

A Word from the Chair

A core group of Save the Laguna Madre was formed on Thursday, March 22. We got a lot done to prepare for our big pubic meeting on Wednesday, March 28 at Club Padre. I didn’t exactly object but I was named acting Chairman and Steve O’Neal was elected as acting Co-Chairman. Note that I used the word “acting” because several slots were temporarily filled and some are still open if you’d like to lend a hand. We’ll bring the issue back up at the big meeting but yes, we did sort of pre-nominate some folks so as to get the ball rolling. Thanks to Ann Smith for orchestrating the meeting.

Word has crept around the grapevine that a group has been formed to protest the seismic surveys and future drilling of the Lower Laguna Madre. Some folks aren’t pleased about it but it should be noted that even the Town of SPI recently adopted a resolution to ask for hearings before anymore of this stuff happens to us. Most all the bureaucrats and teckies say that the seismic surveying permit does not require public hearings but it turns out that “blowing up the bay” could be much worse than directional drilling from land. We intend to follow that issue like a hawk and also get educated about the permit process for the drilling itself.

Lots of people want to start working on strategies on how to prevent anything further happening in the bay right now. I respect that sentiment but I don’t think we have all our facts. I can say that a very motivated environmental trial lawyer has joined the cause because the issue is so complex, and damage has perhaps and most likely already occurred. Folks, we are quite serious about this.



don Miguel said...


While I admire your works and enthusiasm....and agree wholly with this endeavor....I find your final paragraph totally offensive and one which may turn some good persons off.

Why did you find it necessary...especially during this time when it is most important for all of us in our community to pull indulge in this type of trash talk? What is the point?

Sam said...

Dear Sir,

I removed the last paragraph at your suggestion, although I didn't read it as harshly as you did. But sensitive as things are, better safe than sorry.

If you are a local you would know there is a lot of rumors, negativity, speculation, and trash talk, which is simply something I want to avoid.

Thanks for the input - every writer has an editor, right? /sam

don Miguel said...

And 'Thank You' too Sammie.

I am a local....have been for some time and the reasons you noted are exactly why I felt opinions on national politics should play no role due to the significance of our common endeavors here.

Thanks for your willingness to take on even greater responsibilities....I always enjoy and appreciate your wonderful way with well as your deeds!